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The best way to get there.

Pay as little as EUR 59 (one-way) with the Event Ticket.

Book your journey here

That special extra for you. Your Event Ticket at a single nationwide price.


Event Ticket for a single journey, for use only on one specific connection (subject to availability):


Second class

EUR 59,00
First class EUR 95,00


Event Ticket for single journey, for use on all connections:

Second class

EUR 82,00
First class EUR 119,00


Click here to buy your ticket

If you have any technical questions regarding the booking process, please call the DB service number ( available daily 8:00 am - 8:00 pm): Tel.: +49 (0) 30 586020901

Further information on the event ticket and instructions for booking can also be found here.

We wish you a pleasant journey.

